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in How People with Disabilities Use the Web


To use digital technology, people with physical disabilities often use specialized hardware and software such as:

People with physical disabilities may be using a mouse or mouse-like device only, or keyboard or keyboard-like device only to operate the computer. People with physical disabilities rely on keyboard support to activate functionality provided on web pages. They may need more time to type, click, or carry out other interactions, and they may type single keystrokes in sequence or use sticky keys rather than typing simultaneous keystrokes (“chording”) to activate commands. Such keystrokes include commands for special characters, shortcut keys, and to active menu items.

People with physical disabilities may have trouble clicking small areas and are more likely to make mistakes in typing and clicking. Providing large clickable areas, enough time to complete tasks, and error correction options for forms are important design aspects. Other important design aspects include providing visible indicators of the current focus, and mechanisms to skip over blocks, such as over page headers or navigation bars. People with cognitive and visual disabilities share many of these requirements.

Examples of physical disabilities

Examples of barriers for people with physical disabilities

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